Meet Melanie

Hi Everyone! I'm Melanie and I appreciate you visiting my blog, Posh Primary!

Thank you for visiting Posh Primary. I started blog stalking a couple of years ago. I immediately became hooked! I initially stalked and then started my first blog Missing His Brown Tees when my husband was critically wounded and ultimately medically retired from the Army. It helped me connect with others. As I started teaching military children, I found that it was so unique to my previous teaching experience in a civilian school that I started my second blog, Military Munchkin. That led me to blog stalk visit other teachers around the blogosphere who had similar interests. What I found were other teachers that couldn't stop thinking and talking about school, curriculum, centers, crafting, blinging up assignments, etc., just like ME! I love being creative and sharing ideas, but I do it much better in the blogosphere than in person. Everyone's phenomenal blogs inspired me to start my own. I only hope I can live up to all I have seen out there in the educational blogosphere.

I am currently (2014-2015 school year) in my 9th year of teaching. Teaching is my passion! I have taught (in this order): 2nd grade, 4th grade, PK-5 Technology Applications, was an Instructional Coach, then raced back to the classroom to teach 1st grade, and looped with my amazing kiddos back to 2nd grade, and now back in my all time favorite - 1st grade. I am married to, Scott, a wonderful man who supports me in all of my endeavors. We have been together for 16 years and we just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. 

We love watching movies, going on vacation (to my favorite place - the FL Keys), and hanging out with our children, Hunter (12) and Jessica (21).


FL Keys Sunset

FL Keys
Thanks for stopping by Posh Primary. I hope I can share as much as all of you have shared with me! 

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