Tuesday, July 1, 2014

State Sales Tax Holiday Dates Are Here!

It's that time of year again! I really get excited when I see the Back-to-School supply aisles, ads, commercials, and more. I know, I know. It is early July, but I love fresh school supplies. I always have since I was a little girl. Dorky?! So be it!

With the Back to School shopping season here you know that means sales tax holidays, too. Here's a list of 2014 Sales Tax Holiday shopping dates by state in the USA! You can visit the Federation of Tax Administrators Tax Admin Site to find out exactly what’s on your state’s tax free list and what all it includes.
ALABAMA  - August 1-3
ARKANSAS - August 2-3
CONNECTICUT – August 17-23
 – August 1-3
GEORGIA - August 1-2
IOWA - August 1-2
MARYLAND - August 10-16
MISSISSIPPI - July 25-26
MISSOURI - August 1-3
NEW MEXICO - August 1-3
OKLAHOMA - August 1-3
TENNESSEE - August 1-3
TEXAS - August 8-10
VIRGINIA - August 1-3

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melanie! Not dorky at all! I LOVE school supplies! Especially crayons, markers, folders, notebooks, stickers, pencils, glue, pens, sticky notes....okay, I love it ALL the same! :)


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